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All Posts From Nathan Peck (7 Total) Page 1 of 2

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Amazon ECS Core Concepts

This presentation covers core concepts of Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) orchestration. It is designed to introduce containers on AWS, and the key topics you need to master to be successful with a container deployment.

Core concepts of containers and using Amazon ECS to manage containers on AWS

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Amazon ECS Scalability Best Practices

This presentation covers best practices for planning and executing an auto scaling strategy for containers on AWS under Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) orchestration. It covers the following topics:

How to scale a container application using Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate

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Why use containers for your application?

Containers are a popular open source standard for developing, packaging, and operating applications at scale. There are a few key benefits to using containers: Packaging Containers provide you with a reliable way to gather your application components and package them together into one build artifact.

What are the benefits of packaging your application as a container?

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Why use infrastructure as code?

Infrastructure as code is the process of provisioning and managing your cloud resources by writing a template file that describes what infrastructure you want to create.

Infrastructure as code can help you deploy cloud architecture faster and more reliably.

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Hi I'm Nathan Peck! 👋

Hi! I work as a senior developer advocate at AWS. Prior to working at AWS I worked in the NYC startup scene, on my own personal projects, as well as Airtime (a social media platform focused on live social experiences), and StoryDesk (an iPad first presentation software with a built-in analytics system).

Meet AWS developer advocate Nathan Peck, and learn his thoughts on building with containers.

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EC2 or AWS Fargate?

There are two main compute options for running containers with Amazon Elastic Container Service: EC2 (Deploy and manage your own cluster of self managed virtual machine instances that can each run one or more containers) AWS Fargate (Run containers directly, without any virtual machines to think about) Both are completely valid techniques for operating your containers in a scalable and reliable fashion.

Comparison of Amazon EC2 and AWS Fargate across pricing, performance, and administrative overhead, with examples of best fits for each compute option.