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Jessica Deen
Jessica Deen
AWS Guest Author
 Feb 28, 2023 11 min read

Migrate existing Amazon ECS services from service discovery to Amazon ECS Service Connect

At re:Invent in November 2022 we announced a new Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) solution for service-to-service communication called Amazon ECS Service Connect. Amazon ECS Service Connect enables easy communication between microservices and across Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (Amazon VPCs) by leveraging AWS Cloud Map namespaces and logical service names. This allows you to seamlessly distribute traffic between your Amazon ECS tasks without having to deploy, configure, and maintain load balancers.

Today’s post focuses on how to migrate your existing Amazon ECS tasks from using service discovery and internal load balancers to Amazon ECS Service Connect.

Solution overview

To demonstrate how easy it is to migrate your existing Amazon ECS services, we’ll use a sample Yelb application (app) hosted on GitHub here. This application currently uses an internal load balancer and an alias record in a private hosted zone for yelb-appserver service discovery and AWS Cloud Map for …