Improvements to Amazon ECS task launch behavior when tasks have prolonged shutdown
Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now launches tasks faster on container instances that are running tasks that have a prolonged shutdown period. This enables customers to scale their workloads faster and improve infrastructure utilization.
About Amazon ECS scheduling
Amazon ECS is a container orchestrator that’s designed to be able to launch and track application containers across the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) capacity of an entire AWS Region. While other container orchestrators give each customer their own unique control plane that’s just for them, the Amazon ECS control plane is designed with extreme efficiency in mind. Under the hood of Amazon ECS control plane is a shared tenancy scheduler that serves hundreds of thousands of customers who are collectively launching many thousands of tasks every second.
In order for Amazon ECS to work at such incredible scale it is important to make sure that local state is properly synced to the control plane’s overall …