Elastic Container Service (ECS) Blueprints for Terraform

Nathan Peck profile picture
Nathan Peck
Senior Developer Advocate at AWS


  • You can use AWS Cloud9 which has all the prerequisites preinstalled and skip to Quick Start
  • Mac (tested with OS version 12.+) and AWS Cloud9 Linux machines. We have not tested with Windows machines
  • Terraform (tested version v1.2.5 on darwin_amd64)
  • Git (tested version 2.27.0)
  • AWS test account with administrator role access
  • Configure the AWS credentials on your machine by running aws configure if you have not already done so.

Quick Start

Fork the ECS blueprints repository on Github

Clone your forked repository to your laptop/Cloud9 VM.

Language: shell
git clone https://github.com/<your-repo>/ecs-blueprints.git

Start with core-infra to create cluster, VPC, and require IAM

Language: shell
cd ecs-blueprints/examples/core-infra/

terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve

Now we can deploy a load balanced service along with CI/CD pipeline to the above cluster. The following diagram shows the resulting infrastructure:

To deploy:

Language: shell
cd ../lb-service
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply --auto-approve

You can use the ALB URL from terraform output to access the load balanced service. The above will give you a good understanding about the basics of ECS Fargate, and ECS service. You can use these as building blocks to create and deploy many ECS services.