Enforce readonly root filesystem for containers in ECS, with CloudFormation Guard policy as code
CloudFormation Guard is a policy as code tool. It evaluates rules which enforce that your infrastructure as code adheres to your organization's desired policies.
Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a container orchestration tool that helps you run your applications on AWS, and connect those applications to a variety of other AWS services.
Amazon ECS supports a variety of settings that can be used to configure the environment of running containers. One of those settings is readonlyRootFilesystem
, which is used to ensure that containers can only read from the filesystem, but not make changes to it.
Containers are inherently immutable. While it is possible for a container to temporarily mutate it's root filesystem, the next time you stop the container and restart the container, the root filesystem will go back to how it was in the original container image. Any changes to the root filesystem will be wiped out each time you restart the container.
Enforcing a read only root filesystem makes this behavior much more explicit, and it removes the opportunity for misuse of the ephemeral container root filesystem. You can still attach volumes to the container, and these volumes could be configured to accept both reads and writes. It is considered best practice to turn on read only root filesystems, so that any paths that do need to be written to can be explicitly opted in to writes by attaching a writable Docker volume to that path.
This pattern uses CloudFormation Guard, which can be installed with the following command:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws-cloudformation/cloudformation-guard/main/install-guard.sh | sh
export PATH=~/.guard/bin:$PATH
cfn-guard --version
You can also see the install instructions for other systems.
Guard Rule
# The following rule ensures that ECS task definitions have readonly root filesystem
rule readonly_root_filesystem_condition {
Type == 'AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition'
].Properties.ContainerDefinitions[*] {
ReadonlyRootFilesystem == true
Guard Test
You can use the following test files to ensure that this Guard rule works:
The following sample CloudFormation templates can be used to verify that this rule works:
- Readonly root filesystem
- Writable root filesystem
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Description: An example task definition with a readonly root filesystem
Type: AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
Family: alpine
Cpu: 256
Memory: 128
- Name: alpine
Image: public.ecr.aws/docker/library/alpine:latest
Essential: true
ReadonlyRootFilesystem: true
You can validate the test CloudFormation templates above against the Guard rule using the following command:
cfn-guard validate --data *.yml --rules .
You should see output similar to this:
writable-root-filesystem.yml Status = FAIL
FAILED rules
read-only-root-filesystem.guard/readonly_root_filesystem_condition FAIL
Evaluating data writable-root-filesystem.yml against rules read-only-root-filesystem.guard
Number of non-compliant resources 2
Resource = WritableRootTaskDefinition {
Type = AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
Rule = readonly_root_filesystem_condition {
Check = ReadonlyRootFilesystem EQUALS true {
ComparisonError {
Error = Check was not compliant as property value [Path=/Resources/WritableRootTaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0/ReadonlyRootFilesystem[L:24,C:34] Value=false] not equal to value [Path=[L:0,C:0] Value=true].
PropertyPath = /Resources/WritableRootTaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0/ReadonlyRootFilesystem[L:24,C:34]
Operator = EQUAL
Value = false
ComparedWith = true
22. - Name: alpine
23. Image: public.ecr.aws/docker/library/alpine:latest
24. Essential: true
25. ReadonlyRootFilesystem: false
Resource = DefaultTaskDefinition {
Type = AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition
Rule = readonly_root_filesystem_condition {
Check = ReadonlyRootFilesystem EQUALS true {
RequiredPropertyError {
PropertyPath = /Resources/DefaultTaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0[L:10,C:10]
MissingProperty = ReadonlyRootFilesystem
Reason = Could not find key ReadonlyRootFilesystem inside struct at path /Resources/DefaultTaskDefinition/Properties/ContainerDefinitions/0[L:10,C:10]
8. Cpu: 256
9. Memory: 128
10. ContainerDefinitions:
11. - Name: alpine
12. Image: public.ecr.aws/docker/library/alpine:latest
13. Essential: true
The cfn-guard
process will also exit with a non-zero exit code. In a typical CI/CD server, this exceptional exit will stop the release process, and return an error. This allows you to use CloudFormation guard as a gate that blocks privileged containers from being released to your infrastructure.
More policy as code patterns: