Happy 5th birthday AWS Fargate!

Maish Saidel-Keesing profile picture
Maish Saidel-Keesing
Senior Developer Advocate at AWS

Maish Saidel-Keesing, Olly Pomeroy, and Steven Follis celebrate the 5th birthday of AWS Fargate with a recap of it's greatest features and releases over the years.


Fargate, AWS's serverless compute platform, is celebrating its fifth anniversary. Fargate allows users to run container workloads without worrying about infrastructure management, and it is particularly useful for web applications and data processing. Fargate is a secure and flexible way to adopt containers, with additional layers of security and isolation. It has made improvements in storage, encryption, performance, and scalability. Fargate is integrated with other AWS services, such as EventBridge and Step Functions, to run workloads on a schedule and trigger event-driven flows. The Fargate team is customer-obsessed and actively listens to customer feedback to improve the service. In the future, Fargate plans to expand its capabilities to support more workloads, including GPU support for data science teams. Fargate is an open-source project that contributes to the container image work being done in the community.

  1. Consider adopting Fargate for web applications and data processing workloads to benefit from its secure and flexible container management capabilities.
  2. Explore Fargate's integration with other AWS services, such as EventBridge and Step Functions, to run workloads on a schedule and trigger event-driven flows.
  3. Provide feedback to the Fargate team to help improve the service and shape its future capabilities, such as GPU support for data science teams.