Scaling from 10 to 16,000+ tasks in a single ECS Cluster
Maish Saidel-Keesing (Developer Advocate), Ugur Kira (Specialist Technical Account Manager) and Abhishek Nautiyal (Senior Product Manager) do a technical session about how you can scale your applications on Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate.
- Graphs and charts showing the journey from zero tasks to 16k tasks
- How to setup a VPC that actually has enough IP addresses to host that many tasks
- The initial scale out, 500 tasks per minute launch rate, launching 80 tasks at a time.
- Hitting the vCPU quota limit for AWS Fargate, and how to raise the limit
- Hitting application load balancer quotas (number of targets per ALB target group)
- Hitting Cloud Map quota (number of instances per Cloud Map service)