Welcome to the new Containers on AWS Website!

On behalf of the Amazon ECS product team, we are happy to welcome you to a new resource for AWS Builders. Look around and you'll find:

  • Blog posts from the product team, product experts, and customers
  • Blog Posts syndicated from multiple AWS product blogs
  • Code patterns to help you build faster and better
  • Visuals to help you learn and grow with ECS
  • An open community where you can share with other Builders like you!
Thanks for being here, and we look forward to building something amazing together!

Read the Launch Blog

Are you ready to build with containers on AWS?

Containers are great for your application. And AWS is great for containers.

  • Over 2.4 billion Amazon Elastic Container Service tasks are launched every week
  • Over 65% of all new AWS containers customers use Amazon ECS
  • Over 78% of new Amazon Elastic Container Service customers run workloads on AWS Fargate
Learn more about Amazon ECS
Public subnet VPC Internet gateway ApplicationLoad Balancer TrafficENI Port 80 AWS Fargate Container ENI Container

Patterns Collection

Building from scratch is hard. Bring your ideas to life with production ready patterns:

  • Example snippets across AWS CloudFormation, AWS Cloud Development Kit, Terraform, and Pulumi
  • Bash scripts for deployments and administrative tasks
  • Sample task definitions and Dockerfiles
ServiceServiceServiceServiceServiceUserApp/WorkloadDefinitionECS ArchitectureElastic Load BalancingAmazon ElasticFile SystemAWS SecretsManagerAutomated integrations with other AWS ServicesConfigurationDeployments&ScalingAmazon ECSAnywhereAmazon EC2(Graviton; Intel)AWS FargateAWS OutpostsAWS Local ZonesAWS WavelengthFlexible Compute OptionsAmazon ElasticContainer RegistryTaskTaskTaskTaskTaskAmazon ECSContainer RuntimeContainer RuntimeContainer RuntimeContainer RuntimeContainer Runtime

Visuals Collection

Comic book style visualizations on containers include:

  • Container Platform Best Practices for running your application, networking, security, storage and scaling
  • Amazon ECS Architecture Examples
  • Kubernetes Architecture Examples
  • and more...

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Blog Containers From the Couch